Falling into Autumn and letting go of the old
September 23rd was officially the first day of Autumn this year. I have always said, that I love Fall, most of all. Yes, of course, I love Spring and Summer too as those seasons have there own purpose, but Autumn has always been my favorite season. There are so many reasons why to enjoy this time of year. For me, growing up in New England there is nothing like the feeling when the seasons click from Summer to Autumn by seeing the gorgeous leaves change into those magical deep rich colors. Especially in September and October when the weather is still nice and you can start to feel the magic in the air. Autumn marks the transition when the air is becoming colder and crisper, the daylight hours less and Halloween is just around the corner. Autumn is such a cozy time of year where it is time to start wearing those thick sweaters and fun boots, eat pumpkin spice everything and counting the days until Thanksgiving. Well, at least that's what I do.
I have learned that is so true what the Bible says, that there is a purpose for each season. My journey through life is far from over and each year that I see another year, I am reminded that there is a purpose for each season. I have learned that all of these Fall transformations through mother nature that happen before the cold winter comes; are to remind me to let go of the old and embrace the new season and next change(s) that are coming for me. Not only about the season changing but changes in one's life. In some ways, for me, Autumn feels like I am closing a chapter and starting a new beginning.
“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.”
Letting go has always been extremely hard for me to do in the past, but in recent years I have felt this enormous shift of learning not only how to truly let go, but to embrace the result of letting go. I have entered many new chapters in my life that have required a new version of self, whether it was coming to strong realizations that some of my dreams weren't meant for me in this lifetime to having the let go close friendships that no longer served me or my growth. Through these trying times, I have slowly but surely come to realize that it simply because I am destined to create an even better reality.
These experiences were long and painful processes of growth but in leaning into them wholeheartedly and forgiving myself along the way, I am reminded that these times were my own Autumn seasons of renewal. I know in my heart that these past relationships, family members against me and jobs that didn't go the way I dreamed of, were not meant for me anymore and that I had to endure what I did to come to out on the other side in my own bliss.
This may sound difficult, to let go and embrace any past rejection as a redirection, but in time you will come to notice your life unfold the way it was always supposed to. I believe we as humans hold onto situations and relationships out of comfort or that we think we will not be gifted (or even deserve) something better. I have found myself at certain crossroads in my life and wondered why certain events had not happened yet, or situations kept repeating themselves. It would drive me crazy, but I realize now it is about letting go... to of all of it, the preconceived notions of how something should be, the advice of others who know nothing of your journey and of your own words that hold you back.
Through all of this, gratitude is what has kept me grounded and well rounded since coming to that realization. I changed narrative and instead of saying why is this happening to me, what is this situation trying to teach me. I not only began to understand what letting go meant but now understand that releasing what's weighing you down physically, emotionally and mentally you are making room for what is meant to come into your life.
I only wish I had learned it so much sooner but my story is my own and I have realized that my journey and how it has unfolded has nothing to do with anyone else's. It was a lot of work but it has (and continues to be) so worth it. I was worth it. My future is worth it.
And so is yours.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
Today is the 1st of October, where we begin to move swiftly into the full and rich cycles of 2018. It is time to embrace how the coming days will collapse into a full and rich Fall. I want you to use this new season to take some time for yourself. Go outside an enjoy the crisp Autumn air, take a walk and think about what you need to let go of in your own life. It is time to shed the dead in your own life. Know that letting go is just you falling into your next chapter, whatever that may be for you. Seriously, why wait until January 1st to begin a new! Use these next 3 months of 2018 to make changes you’ve been wanting to make all year, but just haven’t yet because something or someone as held you back.
I have learned that letting go of something is so much harder than hanging on to it. Holding onto to the past is far more detrimental to your future than letting go.
So don't hang onto your history out of comfort, as you could miss out on your amazing destiny….that is waiting for you!