… oh, and men are welcome too!
Photo by Brooke Parker Higgins
Do you ever notice when your mother or father, or sometimes even when your friends give you advice, you often ignore it? But then you will turn around and take life advice from strangers. Or how you'll even listen to a celebrity’s advice before even taking your own. I wish I had taken my Mother's advice at the time it was given, because she was pretty much right on the money about everything. I always heard her, I just chose to not always follow through on her sound advice, especially when I was younger.
Young women aren't usually told how hard their 20's are, because trust me, they are very difficult. Often so are your 30's, but that is usually depends on where you are at in your life. The great news is, I am here to tell you, no matter what you have been through, that life only gets better as you get older. Most importantly, that you get better. By the time you are in your mid to late 30's and into your early to mid 40's, you realize all of the answers to your own questions and you finally learn from your past mistakes. This time frame of getting through all that middle part is when you have lived your life. These experiences both good and bad, will all bring you to a better place inside. You become more yourself and an even better version of yourself, than ever before.
What if you could have life lessons and solid life tools to help navigate your life better and not waste your precious time on unnecessary things or situations?
Well this is where LLG comes in. Yes, I am writing about my own life lessons, but I am sharing some of them to help you see experiences from a new and different perceptive.
Looking back, I realized that life was happening for me instead of to me. How I wished I had also listened to and trusted my own inner voice more often and sooner. I would be had saved myself so much heartache and valuable time. But instead of regretting my mistakes and questioning my own time frame in life, I am in a grateful space.
Photo by Brooke Parker Higgins
So, I simply want to pay it forward with all of my wisdom about life, so far. This is why I created Ladies' Life Guide, to be a gentle guide of advice and support for young women who are searching to find their own voice and identity, and to navigate it well through this thing we call LIFE. I want to help you so you can navigate your own compass fully and completely. Not everyone's life is the same, and your experiences are your own. So instead of comparing, how about just staying in your lane while learning from others, being open to growing and moving forward. Yes? Well then, take a step back, look at what you want to change, ask yourself the big questions, ask for help or advice and then give yourself time to do the hard work. Even though this journey is often difficult, trust me it is going to be worth it.
Photo by Brooke Parker Higgins
Someday you will be grateful for this journey. You will look in awe to see, just how far you have come. You will wake up to see that you alone are navigating your own compass. Whether life brings you rough waters or smooth sailing, you will be doing both with true confidence. It will be an amazing feeling to know that you are right on course; your life course. Wishing you a heartfelt welcome and here's to that amazing journey.