LIFE Reminders from Ladies' Life Guide

Hello Ladies!

I know I have been MIA with posting my monthly articles, but I have been very busy since late last year and this year working on the new LLG Apparel Line! There are so many fun items to choose from the Boutique, that feature LLG quotes and positive life mottos on these items. LLG has 3 departments to choose from Clothing, Home Goods, and Accessories. You can also purchase online tons of fabulous gifts for your family, friends, and colleagues. Gift cards with no expiration date, are also available to purchase on the website.

So I wanted to say hello and post a new article of important LIFE reminders. Since most of us are still on lockdown at home….and you have plenty of quiet time….pour yourself a cup of coffee ( or wine!), get comfy, and read the following LLG LIFE list below…and please check out the entire BOUTIQUE.

-Keep your eyes open wide when you are out in the world and FOCUS on your surroundings. If you are always on your phone, you never know who or what you could miss that is life-changing.

-Be fierce -- even in fear. It will give you strength.

-Never back down, even when you've fallen. Go easy on yourself as you are doing your best.  Always try again, don't ever let setbacks make you quit. 

-When you are going through hell, just keep going. Things can and will get better!

-To be vulnerable is true bravery.

LOVE. It’s everything in this life. Don’t abuse true love and always cherish it.

- Always practice authentic intentions.

-Grief is very personal and not everyone experiences it the same way or time frame. Remember there are stages for a reason, so stop telling people to ‘get over it”.

-Exercise each day. Move-in some way and break a sweat as it clears the mind and helps the body.

-LET. IT. ALL.GO. Seriously -- you know what I am talking about. Don’t waste your precious time on all the wrong people, negative things, and/or toxic situations in life. Stay focused and positive.

-Keep an open heart to fully love others and to be loved fully -- despite how many times it may have been broken. Don’t let those who have hurt you, ruin your chance to have the real thing. Just be smart about who deserves your time, attention and love. Stay open to love as you never know if the next one you give a chance too, he or she could be the TRUE LOVE you have been praying for!

-Work hard and smart for the things that truly matter to you.

-Good manners, never go out of style and it speaks volumes.

-When having a bad day, never underestimate a hot shower/bath, a great meal, and a good night's sleep. I promise you’ll wake up feeling much better

-Laugh every day, it makes you have a happy heart. Don't forget to laugh at oneself, it keeps you humble.

-You and your health inside and out is the biggest priority. You can have all the money and “stuff” in the world but if you don’t have great health mentally, physically, and spiritually then your life will be very difficult.

-Dancing and singing make everything better. Trust me, when all else fails, dance it out in your house or sing it out loud in your car. This cures pretty much everything.

-Stay in your lane in life. Forget about others who are in this race called life. Do not compare or compete. Just focus on you. 

-Listen to the whispers in your head, heart, and intuition because you were almost always right on the money about them all.

-You are more capable of so many things, more than you give yourself credit for.

-Try new adventures, attend an art class or a cooking class, hike a high mountain, take a new road trip, or seek out to learn about different cultures.

-Don’t air your dirty laundry or arguments on social media. It’s trashy behavior. If you have a problem with someone, talk about it together privately and don’t include others.

-When you screw up, apologize to others, and mean it. Don’t repeat your screw up, otherwise, your apology was for nothing.

-NEVER break confidence, unless life-threatening.

-Take your Mom out and treat her weekly and/or monthly for a Mother/Daughter ladies lunch at her favorite resturant. Or even do a spa getaway together as a thank her for everything she has done for you. The cooked meals, helping with homework, taking care of you when you were sick, wiped your tears of sadness away, gave sound life advice, and for all the things in between. Being a parent is the hardest job, so make sure you show her how much she is loved and appreciated. 

-Ignore the naysayers because remember they haven't even tried to attempt what they are putting down.

-Run away from people who lie; lie about you and to you, and lie to others. Character and Integrity is everything.

-Always have a full emergency bag prepared in your car and your home. Prepare for an earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, and/or robbery, etc.

-When it comes to money, no matter what you make per year, save and invest properly for your future. Also, give some items you don’t need and money to your favorite charity every year. Those who need it more than you, a little goes a long way and remember there are so many who have less than you.

-Take a solo trip with your Dad and treat him to his dream destination as a thank you for how hard he has worked in life for you. He will treasure this time together and this lovely gift, trust me.

-Remember there are amazing people in the world, so give those people your time, love, support, and energy. Walk away from the mean jerks and assholes of the world, they simply aren’t worth your time or energy.

-Be true to your word. Always. If you can’t fulfill it or follow up - then don’t promise something. Period.

-Be very careful when choosing whom you marry - as this person will make up at least 75% of your life or more. So don’t rush, take your time and choose wisely. Be sure to live alone for a long period of time before you get married. College or having a roomate doesn’t count. Learn how to take care of yourself and of a home before you share all of those lifetime responsiblites with your future husband. Don’t take marriage lightly either, the divorce rate is high for a reason. Do you really want to get married, JUST to say you are married? Stop listening to your family and friends who keep telling you to ‘HURRY UP”. This is your LIFE partner whom you will possibly have children with, so chose very carefully and make sure he is the one who will always take care of you and of your children in every way, for a lifetime. Remember marriage does not solve your unhappiness. Ladies, find your own identity and self-worth before getting married and becoming a Mrs.

-Work hard but don’t forget to take time to rest and have fun. Don’t forget to have a LIFE outside of work.

-God is always with you even when you think he has forgotten about you. Pray every day, even if it’s just to say a heartfelt thank you for your life.

-Have a gratitude journal.

-Let life surprise you, you don’t always have to have it ALL figured out. Remember life is a marathon, not a sprint.

-Gentlemen, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to make your girlfriend or wife feel special. Buy her favorite flowers just because, make a dinner reservation at her favorite nice restaurant for your date night, just because you want to have time together over a nice meal. Go all out for her birthday and spoil her with all of her favorite things or take a special trip tp celebrate. Ladies, remember to do special things for your boyfriend or husband. It will make him feel appreciated. The little things are huge and effort is appreciated and so attractive.

-Honor and respect your grandparents and parents. You are here because of them.

-Stop gossiping and talking badly about others like you are still in high school. Even if you don’t like someone, always just wish the best for people. Karma is real.

-All my imperfections, flaws, and atypicial qualities have made me stronger. Having them has given me my internal strength. So remember, to those all of who feel different or have disabilities, they are a gift, not a burden. Repect others, no matter how different someone is because God made all of us perfectly imperfect.

-Crying is a good thing. It’s healthy and cathartic. Crying shows strength, not weakness.

-Remember no matter what someone looks like on the outside, we are all the same on the inside, PINK. Racism is unacceptable.

-Give something 100% and always do your best. That is enough.

- Practice good sportsmanship - on and off the field.

- Don’t give up hope on your dreams as tomorrow could be your “Today is my Someday”

-Looking back at your journey, all of it -- the good and the bad -- it truly is a gift. Learn from it all and then take those lessons with you every day for a better tomorrow. Perspective is everything.

-Go to therapy. This is you investing in YOU and your daily well being.

-Ladies if you are considering plastic surgery —- instead of being on the operating table, get on your therapist couch and work on your issues and self-esteem. Work from the inside out….and give yourself at least 1 year of hard therapy. Then revisit your thoughts about that nose job or breast job. Issues are temporary, surgery is forever.

-Life is very short, and some people are gone much too soon. So be grateful that you are still alive.

-Pay it forward in life, in every way.

-If you have outgrown friends, then you are right on schedule. Not everyone can go where you are going. If they are meant to be in your life, they will also do the “work” and eventually catch up to you. If not, they aren’t meant to be in your future.

-No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to practice good etiquette.

-Have gratitude every day —- as you have more than most in the world.

-All family members do not get an automatic hall pass for treating you horribly. You don’t have to put up with bad behavior from them just because you are related. The family you choose isn’t always blood.

-If you can count 5 people or less that you can count on as TRUE friends, then you are truly blessed. You can know thousands of people, have tons of aquatints, but having true friendships is an incredible blessing. Choose your friends very carefully. Remember that phrase…”Birds of a feather, flock together.” If you have a friend who’s has a toxic energy and life, it will bleed into your life. As you get older you will realize that your friends should be quality over quantity.

-Tell the truth. Lies always come out eventually.

-Instead of spending almost $2,000 a year on going out for coffee every morning, buy large bags and make your favorite coffee brand at home to enjoy in your own personal and favorite coffee mugs! Use a % of that money that you saved on buying flowers from your local flower mart. It will make your daily surroundings more peaceful and it will be a gift to smell your beautiful favorite flowers in your home each day.

-Ladies, social media posts are forever so please be mindful of your photos and information you post. Ask yourself this question, do I want my (future) children and grandchildren to see this?

-Forgive others and most importantly forgive yourself for all the mistakes made.

-Praise people’s strengths and beautiful qualities they possess to there face. A compliment will go along way for others.

-Have your “last wishes and will” written out and signed. Give a copy to someone you trust with your life and who will fulfill all of your last wishes.

-Your parents are the most important people in your life. Remember they won’t always be around so make quality time with them a priority. Ask them questions about the family tree and ask your parents about their life before you. Remember they were young once, just like you. Video record or tape-record when asking questions.

-When you borrow something, return it just as you found it. Respect people and their things - period.

-It’s never too late to make a dream come true if you want it. Age is just a number. Do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise. EVER.

-Happiness is an inside job. It always begins and ends with you. YOU are the CEO of your LIFE.

-Go to the ocean and watch a sunset. That will put life into perspective very quickly. The ocean always makes everything better.

-If you are arguing then fight fair. Stop screaming, listen and HEAR each other to discuss the problem like mature adults.

-Write thank-you notes on special stationery, for everything. No, do not send a text, make a call, or even write an email. Write a note as it will only take you 5 minutes and one stamp. It speaks volumes. People will not forget this and getting real mail is always so much fun to receive!

-Keep a big part of your personal life private. Be selective whom you confide in: everyone doesn’t need to know everything or deserves to know everything about your life. I don’t mean keep your relationship a total secret but a… Private personal life is a happy life.

-Support the arts by attending a concert, going to a play or musical and or go to the movies.

-Ladies, when dating - get some standards. If a man doesn’t make to effort to have a friendship and then a courtship, he isn’t interested in getting to know YOU or having a real relationship or commitment. Let all of the scumbag guys GO who are only interested in instant gratification by sexting or just texting to have contact. Stop wasting your time with “man-boys”, and only date gentlemen. Let him be the gentleman by his actions and let him present your relationship publically and profess his love….otherwise he isn’t worth it. Stop posting every single man you’ve ever been involved with on social media — wait until you have found the one. Wait until he has done it first. No man is going to post a photo of you together, who doesn’t see you as his long term commitment. Seriously ladies, trust me. Also, your desperation of validation by posting nonstop isn’t attractive. Wait until HE has earned for you to post publically. It’s his job to profess his love for you privately and publically, protect and provide for you. If aren’t dating or have a relationship with a true gentleman, then take yourself out of special dates. it will be liberating, empowering, and set your standards high to attract your right future partner.

-Travel everywhere. Travel somewhere new every year, or more often if you can. Try a new adventure in those travels. Invest your money in traveling instead of buying stuff. Traveling makes you richer in priceless experiences. Get out of your comfortable “5-mile ratus” and go see the world.

-Taking time for self-care isn’t selfish, it is necessary. SELF CARE is SELF LOVE.

-Be someone to trust. Just be a good friend, no matter if the person isn’t one to you. Be the role model you would like to see. Cherish the right friendships, they are a gift.

-Read books, even if you set some time over the weekend to read an hour.

-Never extend an invitation to someone that you wouldn’t extend and attend for them. Nothing worse than inviting someone to all of your own celebrations ( soley just to get a gift ), they show up and then you don’t show up and attend any of their celebrations and life milestones. It’s not about the gifts, it’s about showing up with geniune love and support. So choose your guest list carefully. Don’t ever ask something of someone you can’t do for them. Ladies, be sure to support and celebrate other women’s professional accomplishments, milestones and those special events. They are just as important as the personal milestone celebrations and remember that not every women will have a bridal and/or baby shower in thier lifetime.

-Walk away from toxic people and toxic situations. Don’t engage period, it isn’t worth it.

-Cooking and Baking is an art form and a form of meditation. Take your time and enjoy the process.

-Invest in key pieces of your wardrobe. Purchase high-quality jewelry, shoes, jackets, handbags, and sweaters. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on jeans or t-shirts. Invest in key pieces for your wardrobe to last a long time. Quality over quantity.

-Endure life with dignity.

-The universe has your back, so believe in your vision.

-Strive to not just to be a feminist but more importantly, be a humanist.

-Don’t do drugs and don’t smoke. It is the dumbest thing you can ever do.

-Ladies if you ever find yourself telling your girlfriends they won’t get something or achieve something out of your own jealousy or insecurity, check yourself and remind yourself how you are one to always tell your own children that they can accomplish ANYTHING. How would you feel if someone told you and told your child they can’t or won’t ever fulfill their dreams?

-Never underestimate a good long, HUG. This kind of affection does wonders for the soul.

-Volunteer. Giving back and helping others is a great way to realize it’s not always about you.

-Tell those in your life that you love - as tomorrow is promised to no one. Saying “I love you” or “I miss you” or “I am proud of you” is everything.

-Respect others around you. YES, that means in 2020 - WEAR A MASK!!

-Believe in yourself, even when others don’t. Sometimes you have to be your biggest cheerleader in life. Trust me, you won’t regret betting on yourself.

-Have empathy and patience in life for everyone — as you don’t know what people have gone through or are currently going through. Being kind goes a long way.

-Your child or children don’t need as many gifts, toys, and stuff as you think they do. If you give them a ton of things as a child, they won’t appreciate them and will have nothing to look forward to special gifts as they get older. You have a lifetime to give them things, spread it out. Experiences together are more important and priceless. Remember that you want to raise an appreciative child.

-See the beauty in all things.

-Never give up. Rest, reset, and recharge. Just Keep Going…..and never give up on your goal and or dream, as the time will pass anyway.


-Some of the most valuable life long lessons are gained when we walk alone. If you have a fear of being alone, then this is something you must work on in order to have a happy life.

-Stop constantly complaining, it’s unattractive. If you are unhappy with something in your lifechange it.

-Hold a baby as often as possible - to remind yourself of the miracle of life.

-When posting on social media a screen shot of a photo - for the love of God, please CROP IT accordingly. It looks awful otherwise.

-Don’t give yourself discounts in life. Raise your standards and know you can have ANYTHING you want in this life. So follow this LLG life metaphor: Why settle for crumbs, when you can have the whole cake?

-Remember to keep looking up and to look AHEAD with positive excitement and optimization because some of the happiest and best days of your life are ahead of you!

I hope this LLG LIFE LIST has reminded you to practice daily in your life. I know things are difficult and devastating right now. We are officially in the halfway mark of 2020. Despite that the past 5 months has been devasting beyond imaginable, I still believe that things can and will get better. I know it in my heart and I am keeping the faith for the world to come out safe and sound for the remaining year and the rest of this decade.

Yes, your DREAMS can still come true —- you just have to hang in there and hang on until we all get through this crisis together. I think this is all happening for a reason; to take stock on what is truly important in life. To have patience and above all else show kindness and love to one another.

So take time each day as it comes and say of a prayer of gratitude and a prayer of faith that great days and wonderful LIFE events will happen for all of us!

I want to hear from you, your thoughts on this LIFE list and feedback on the LLG Line!

I welcome suggestions and feedback, so please comment below! Be sure to follow LLG on Instagram and Facebook. Stay tuned for upcoming exciting news about LLG!

Please stay at home as much as possible. Please be safe and wear your mask when you are outside!

Much Love,

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