Happy International Women's Day!

So much has happened the #MeToo movement begun in October 2017 and makes today an even more special celebration. When the stories finally came to light (and for the countless stories that still have not been told) and seeing the positive changes began to shift...all I could think of was all of the women before me and what they all went through; from the Women's Right to Vote to The Women's Movement and now up today with Times Up.

While I'm blown away by all of the (celebrated) women around the world in every profession, who have come forward and shown bravery, support, truth and to those who have and will fight for our equal rights.

Today, I particularly want to pay tribute and give special thanks to my the female role models in my life and also share some of advice while supporting all those who read this…

My beautiful Mother Suzanne, who was a daughter, a sister, an actress, a teacher, a counselor, a volunteer, an ordained minister, a friend, a devoted wife of 45 years and a Mother of two. She was someone who went to the Massachusetts Supreme Court to fight for her own devastating #MeToo experiences and am so very lucky to have her as my constant example of that you can have it all -- if you stay dedicated and push through. She fought for Women's Rights and equality for her entire adult life. I'm so grateful for the example of strength you showed me. I think of you each day as I go into the world, hoping I can be half the woman you were, personally and professionally. Thank you for all that you have shown me. I love you, Mommy. How I wish you were still here to guide me but to also enjoy the fruits of your own labor.

My lovely Nana, Florence, her Mother -- who was the very first female employee to work for IBM in the 1930s before she became a devoted wife of 53 years and Mother of three. Serendipitously, she met my grandfather, William at IBM. I find this to be amazing she was the first female and how she also found the love her life while working in a career she loved so much. In her later years, my dear Nana was heavily involved in the Falmouth Church and local Cape Cod charities and organizations. Even later in life, as a widower, she did dialysis 3 times a week in which she took herself to from the age of 79 to 83, before passing away. Talk about bravery and strength. I was in awe how she was so independent after sharing her long life with her husband. I miss her hot hands on my face hearing her say, "Hi darlin'." I think of her funny humor and her fantastic style. I always appreciated her support for me in my love of the arts. I miss you, Nana.

My Mimi, the gorgeous Emilie Adele was a well-known debutant before becoming an amazing wife and Mother of two boys, one of whom is my Father. She was a volunteer with the blind and also involved in the Church in Manhasset, NY where both my parents grew up. While I only knew her the first five years of my life before passing away, I remember her quiet kind voice, elegant manner, and graceful style. I always feel her watching over me. She did an amazing job raising your two sons. I'm so blessed to have an extraordinary Father, Craig, who has always supported Women's Rights and Equality. Particularly for my Mother. I'm so grateful to have him and other strong male role models in my life, who support women, in every way.

Last, but not least; My Oma, Emille's Mother, Phyllis. The tiny in height and size but had strong German genes, inside and out. I was blessed to not only know my great-grandmother but I remember her well. I remember that warm feeling I had as a little girl hugging her when we went to see her in Brooklyn. For a woman born in 1888, she was always ahead of her time. She took pride in the fact she invested her own money in the stock market and did it well! What a smart cookie she was. I always felt and still do feel a special connection with my Oma, like she's guiding the way for me all the time, especially being independent and on my own. She and her husband, my Opa were both truly one in a million. Salt of the earth and a class act. Married for 70 years until my Opa passed and then she independently lived on her own until death at 93. What an extraordinary women indeed.

So why do I write about these ladies? To show how important it is to honor them and remember from whom and where I came from. You can see a bit of all of them in my face. I keep them safe and tight, all of them in my heart and soul because they are all there in me and with me. All of the amazing men in my family too. I'm so grateful and blessed to have them as my examples. While I used this opportunity today to praise and thank all of them and their extraordinary lives, it goes without saying that we all have had our own hard struggles in life too. We all are our own unique and flawed human beings. Despite all of our mistakes, I know that our life’s goal is just trying to be a better person today than we were yesterday for a better tomorrow.

It is a privilege to be women by birth and our titles given by hard work.

While I'm not even close in being at the same level of accomplishments as my family before me, I'm doing my best to keep going after my own personal goals and dreams. I look forward to the weeks, months and years ahead of having even more wisdom, positive growth, change and success, not just for me but for everyone.

So last but certainly not least, to all of you ladies reading this. I want you to take time today to not only remember and honor the women in your family who came before you, but to honor yourself. Honor what you have accomplished and what you have gone through, both good and bad. No matter what your age is - if you are 15, 35, 55 or 75 years old, celebrate who you are and all that you have accomplished, so far.

Celebrate your own choices and know that you can make your life anything you want it to be. ANYTHING.

So are you currently in a state where your life isn't all you want it to be?

Still, haven't found your dream job or career yet? It is never too late, so keep looking until you find it and go get it.

Have you been a stay at home Mother, and now have become an empty nester, thinking about going back to school to get the degree you never got? It is never too late. Go for it you and know it is not too late. That you can achieve it!

Are you 23 years and about to embark being on your own for the first time in the "real world"? Well, then the world is your oyster! Explore different jobs, travel everywhere, and most importantly make mistakes. Also, find a female mentor you trust who can help you navigate with life advice at this important transition in your life.

Are you in an unhappy marriage and not sure what you are going to do? Remember you being alone that you are still enough. Will it be scary to get divorced? Absolutely. But life is much too short to be with the wrong partner/spouse. Please remember that you don't find your worth in a man. You find your worth within yourself then find a man who is worthy of YOU. Especially find a man to share your life with who believes in the equal human rights for women. If you haven't found true love yet, keep searching and don't give up on love if you have had your heart broken.

Are you becoming a Mother for the first time and scared about all that is to come? Breathe, take things one at a time and one day at a time. Enjoy this exciting time in your life, because becoming a Mom will be the most important and hard job you will ever have. So remember, that you can do it.

Remember that you can make your life whatever you want.

That you can be and do whatever you want.

So....in the words of Shania Twain: 🎶🎶🎶🎶

"She hosts a T.V. show

she rides the rodeo

She plays the bass in a band

She's an astronaut

A valet at the parking lot

A farmer working the land

She is a champion, she gets the gold

She's a ballerina, the star of the show

She's, not, just a pretty face

She's, got, everything it takes

She has a Fashion Line

A journalist for TIME

Coaches a Football team

She's a Geologist

A romance novelist

She is a Mother of three

She is a Soldier

She is a Wife

She is a Surgeon, she'll save your life

She is your Waitress

She is your Judge

She is your Teacher

She is every Woman in the World!

She flies an Airplane

She drives a subway train

at night she pumps gasoline

She's on the Council

She's on the Board

She praises the Lord.

She's not just a pretty face

She's got everything it takes

She's Mother of the Human Race


Ladies, I salute and praise each and every one of YOU, every single day. Always remember to just be YOU, whomever that may be. Never ever let anyone diminish who you are, all of your special gifts or your bright light that shines inside and outside. March 8th may be our official international day to celebrate us, but LADIES, always celebrate yourself and all women, every single day! 💥

⚢ Happy International Women's Day


Women's History Month ⚢

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