having a September state of mind
September is here, and the Labor Day weekend has come and gone which means the school season is officially in session. It's now that magical time of the year where we begin to transition and prepare for the fall/winter season... and get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, with Halloween in-between.
I can imagine that most parents are doing cartwheels of joy in the aisles of supermarkets, now that their homes will become quieter. That being said, those who are going back to school (of all ages) are probably feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiousness with everything in between, that comes when both starting something new and returning to what we once knew.
For those who are going back to school, I want these words to resonate with you as you continue to forge ahead in your studies, no matter the age.
So we've entered the 9th month of the calendar year, but for some reason school always made it seem like it was the beginning of a new year. For me, it's always been my favorite month - since I grew up in New England, it was always the perfect temperature and always gifted me with picturesque views.
Personally, I was never a big fan of school, well ...the academic part that is and can say that I was drawn towards the social part of the school day; getting to interact with everyone, from all walks of life, for hours in a day. Maybe this was because not only was it the growing phase of my life, but it always felt that so much was happening at once, so intensely. And with that I tell you, savor every last moment of it. Yes, even the moments and times that seem unbearable and make you want to run away and disappear... I promise you, it's in those moments you'll find yourself.
In hindsight, it all happened so fast. They'll come a moment in time when you'll back in sheer awe and wonder at just how those moments shaped who you are today. You know why because school feels like it's your entire world (especially in high school), and to an extent, it is before entering adult situations of life. Every school year that passes from preschool to high school prepares you for potentially attending college, university and eventually life beyond that.
So, don't wish it all away. Take your time because you will never get these moments back again. Are they going to be easy? No, but they will be life-changing.
Now I want you to take a deep breath and think BIG, about your present life and of the boundless opportunities for your future. If you ever feel doubt or fear, stop, and step out of your own way, allows yourself to be free to think so you can dissect your thoughts and recognise whether these thoughts are of that of your own or of someone else's.
If you want to study something that is different from what your parents expect from you, do it! If your passion lies in creating bespoke sneakers for paraplegics, do it! Or maybe you want to work several jobs to save and travel the world! No matter how crazy or unlikely it may sound to anyone, including your family, don't allow your future to be shaped by someone who never takes the chance to get to know the real you.
Seeing the world through your eyes, at any level of education will gift you with not only limitless ideas but fulfil your soul, leading you to fulfil your destiny. So in these moments where going against the opinions of those who raised you or depend on you feel extremely terrifying, don't worry, they will be there.
And if you're going through school, life at any age and have come to the point where you're unsure of what lies ahead for you, that's okay too. Through all types of exploration of reading, researching, traveling and conversing with people who were once in your shoes will help you find your own ones to fill. Yes, trying new things can be scary but it's also incredibly exciting too.
For myself, over the years, there have been plenty of times where I shared my plans and dreams with those who I felt cared about me and often heard these responses;
“Well, you will never achieve that professionally!” or “That will never happen in your personal life, where will you meet them!” and sometimes...“Do you know the huge odds of you even making it or being successful in that career choice?”
You may be asked or thinking of these questions too ...am I making the right decision for my future? Is it the best thing to do right now? Am I placing too much pressure on myself to do what I want to do without having enough resources? What if I fail? Well...flip the questions into ones that actually bring you a positive outlook; what if you do score high in that exam, what does that mean for you! What it if you succeed in that business venture, how does that change everything... and if you can travel the world, what will you do with that knowledge you've acquired!?
My word for all - parents, children, adolescences and those in-between - is to take the time to really talk to your loved ones about what makes their soul soar, what brings them enjoyment and what they dream about every day. We are all busy but just a small conversation with someone exploring their options could have a major impact on how they not only feel about themselves but also the direction that they are deciding to go in.
When you're both in quiet moments, you can both sit and ponder about your own values of life and pay it forward with your own accomplishments and journey in life.
For example, you may know someone who doesn't know what to do, so then be there for them as a confidante, shoulder to cry on when things get tough and never allow your personal opinions and feelings of how YOU would do something to dictate there personal viewpoint of the life they are living.
This will not only broaden their horizons but your own. It can be something that can strengthen both their academics and confidence in self. Encourage those you care about who stay in silence with to broaden then horizons outside of both school and work to explore outside of their usual norms so they can cherish the little moments of victories.
Happiness and stillness do more than just make us peaceful beings but having that contentment allows us to decompress naturally, allowing stress and frustration to not dictate our decisions, say when you have many exams at once (living that “student state of mind"), or you're staying late after work... maybe even trying to set boundaries with work and love with your self-care. Here's the thing about finding the joy in each day, it's a daily practice just like studying - as they say, there's no work without play.
Think BIG in everything you do, if I've learnt anything as I've grown through life is that the goal from pre-school to high school then potentially college is to prepare us to be hardworking, disciplined and happy beings so that we can fulfil our soul's mission to live out our true desires. So, marinate in each semester, season and embrace the newness each month can bring. We owe ourselves more compassion and understanding than we gift ourselves and so it's important to enjoy the journey, both the small and big moments, one day you'll wonder where the time went.
The extraordinary thing about life is that you're are going to look back in such gratitude, as you will come to realize all the experiences (good, bad and ugly), advice from your peers, family and potentially past (or current) teachers made you into this strong, formidable and courageous being.
So, here’s to a new September that for some are starting something new, renewing your school state of mind, and continuing to work on becoming to the best version of you!